Community Spotlight - Christine Schmitz

by Lysle - January 19, 2024

Tell us a little about yourself Christine

I grew up in Michigan, but we currently live just north of Orlando in Florida.  My husband and I just celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary last month.  We have two children and three grandchildren.  I love to have my camera in hand or in my backseat, but recently I'm challenging my artistic side to learn Zentangle.

Community Spotlight - Christine Schmitz

What type of camera do you use and what's in your kit?

I am a Sony girl and always have been from day one.  I just recently purchased the RX10 IV and it is absolutely fabulous.  My favourite lens is my macro 90mm and my Velvet 85 lensbaby.  These two are very similar, but I love the blur I get with the Lensbaby.


Do you use Lightroom, Photoshop or do you have any favourite apps?

I use Camera Raw to edit my images and occasionally photoshop to do some creative things with masks.  I use the LR Mobile, Snapseed, Topaz, Distressed FX, Becasso and PicTapGo apps.

Black eyed Susans

When did you first pick up a camera?

When I was a teenager my Dad gave my sister and I each a yellow Kodak Instamatic 110 camera.  I really liked it but could barely afford the film and lost interest.  We also had a dark room in our basement for B & W processing only.  I can still remember that chemical smell!  I really got the photography bug when I bought my first DSLR and our son gave me a Christmas gift that was for a beginner's workshop.

photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.3.jpg-bird with red and water ring

How did you discover 365 Picture Today and how long have you been a member?

I posted my first picture January 1, 2020 and I have not missed a day, yet!  A good friend and I decided to take a picture a day several years ago, but after a while I was looking for some way to 'track' or 'group' it so that I could look back and recall the memory instead of looking through thousands of images.  I googled and found this group and have never looked back.  I love the word challenge and all the beautiful interpretations from the community.

How do you stay motivated to post a picture a day?  What advice do you have to give others to keep posting daily?

Personally, I do not look ahead at the prompts until I get the email each morning.  I look at this 365 project I am doing as a way to remember each and every day in my life.  I go about my day and try and remember the prompt and grab my shot when it arises! If for some reason I just cannot make the prompt fit, I post an image that is 'my day' and sometimes pull a recent image that I have taken.  I love how everyone has a different interpretation of the prompt.  It really widens my photography perspective and over the years it has opened my eyes!

photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.4.jpg-pink flower

What is your favourite type of photography?

I absolutely love to photograph nature, but my true love is birds.  Yes, I am a birder...there, I said it!  I am in love with the shorebirds along the beach.  I love to watch their behaviour and try to capture it in my photographs.  I also use my macro for close up shots of bugs, flowers or anything that shows the smaller details inside the larger picture.  I use my 600mm to capture the endless ways to interpret birds along the ocean shores.  I tend to photograph more flowers during the warmer months and migrating birds in the cooler months here in Floridia.


photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.5.jpg-white flower
photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.6.jpg-orange flower

Where is your "go to" place to take pictures?

Easy!  The ocean is where I most often go!  You don't have to even ask me twice either!  It's different everytime I go and there are so many things to see.  Nature is always there!

photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.7.jpg orange beaked bird with black head

Where would be a dream location to go on a photography walk/holiday?

Oh goodness!  My dream loction would have to have barns, old rusty vehicles, or anything historic.  I really like to photograph old things that are being replaced with new.  I like to preserve history with a photograph! 

photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.8.jpg pink headed bird in water
photo-Christine Schmitz-01-24-No.9.jpg-barn and car

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